2024-2025 Audition Information
This Fall, we will be holding auditions for all wind, brass, and percussions spots in the orchestra, as well as chair auditions for the strings. These will be held close to the beginning of our first concert cycle of the year.
Dates & Times
August 20th, 7-9 PM: Open Rehearsal
Before we have auditions, this is a chance for anybody and everybody in the community to come join us for some music-making. This is a chance to meet new people and play through the music in a safe and supportive environment. Open rehearsals like these are a part of the beginning of each concert cycle.
August 27th: Open Rehearsal, followed by Brass & Woodwind Auditions
7-8 PM: Open Rehearsal
8 PM until done: Brass & Woodwind Auditions
After a shortened open rehearsal, Brass & Woodwind auditions will start promptly afterwards. They will be held separately and simultaneously, and we hope to be done by 10 PM. Woodwinds will audition in the following order: 1. Bassoon 2. Oboe 3. Clarinet 4. Flute. Brass will audition in the following order: 1. Horn 2. Trumpet 3. Trombone 4. Tuba. If you cannot stay for auditions, or would rather audition before rehearsal, please let us know.
September 3rd: Rehearsal, followed by Percussion Auditions and String Chair Auditions
7-8 PM: Rehearsal
8 PM until done: String Chair Auditions, Percussion Auditions
After a rehearsal, String Chair Auditions and Percussion Auditions will start promptly afterwards. Similarly to the Brass & Woodwind Auditions, they will take place separately and simultaneously, and we hope to be done well before 10 PM. The strings have their chair audition in the following order: 1. Violin 2. Viola 3. Cello 4. Bass. Percussion will have their audition in the following order: 1. Timpani 2. Unpitched Percussion. Percussion instruments will be provided.
Where are auditions?
Auditions will be held at our rehearsal space at Christ Church Cathedral on 2919 St. Charles Avenue. Our volunteers will direct you to the specific spaces for auditions on the day of auditions.
Where is the music for auditions?
All of the music for the auditions is online under our sheet music tab under "Members", or you can access it here.
How will I be informed of the audition results?
We will email all the musicians who auditioned the results of the auditions as soon as they are available. If email is not a good way to get in touch with you, please let us know how to get in touch with you for the results.
How many spots are available in the orchestra?
SONO performs with an expanded wind and brass section to give playing opportunities to as many musicians as is practical.
Flutes: 4
Oboes: 4
Clarinets: 4
Bassoons: 4
Horns: 5
Trumpets: 4
Trombones: 4
Tuba: 2
Some details about doubling: there are many works that only call for the orchestration or other reduced orchestration. For these works, 3 things may happen:
1.) 3rd and 4th wind players will double the 1st and 2nd parts in full
2.) 3rd and 4th wind players will double the 1st and 2nd parts in part, dropping out for piano or solo-istic passages
3.) 3rd and 4th wind players will not perform on that work.
This will be at the discretion of the Music Director and based off of what is musically appropriate for the work. (E.G. we may choose option 1 or 2 for a mid to late Romantic work but option 3 for Beethoven or Mozart.) Musicians will be given ample advance notice of which option we take for each work we perform.
There is no hard cap on strings spots, though a soft cap may be instated by the Music Director dependent on balance issues.
What if I don't make it into the ensemble?
We still want you to continue to be involved with SONO! Every concert cycle we have open rehearsals where we welcome all of our musicians - past, present, and future - to rehearse with us in a safe and supportive environment. You can expect about 8 of these a season. We also would love for you to stay involved - we always need the help of volunteers to make this organization great! And lastly, SONO is all about growing as musicians. If you don't make your audition, we would love to help you find resources to continue to grow as a musician. Ask us about teachers for your specific instrument - many of our own musicians are teachers and we keep resources on instructors in the area.